bars: cyranos

There was a time when I had never entered a bar where they allowed you to pour your own drink, there was also a time when I had never bought a drink that was just a glass full of vodka. But all things must come to an end. Funnily enough, both of these happened for the first time on the same night.

God knows how many times I’ve been to this bar, and god is also aware that I have never exited this bar being able to walk in a straight line. I don’t know if its named after that film staring Gerard Depardieu (the most famous French actor with a horrible nose). If its not, the massive poster of the film isn’t do its plight any favours. If it wasn’t for this bar, I am fairly sure my Spanish would not have improved as well as it did, I gained a lot of confidence from those vodka limons.

Obviously the key factor for this bar making the cut is because you can get a vodka and lime cordial for three euros, and you get to pour it yourself. If you take the piss too much, the nice bar lady will tell you off and pour out a bit of your drink, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. After all she is a nice bar lady.

Free popcorn or ‘palomitas’ are also a nice touch. The problem being that this always ends in a popcorn fight and a telling off, far too many times have I had a popcorn bowl placed on my head.

Another thing this place has going for it is its décor. I don’t like fancy and this bar is anything but, the whole interior looks like it was acquired from a skip somewhere in gypsy harlem. The bathroom floor is covered in sawdust and the sinks don’t work proper.

Due to the prices, generally everyone is thoroughly pissed before the bar closes its doors at 2.30am. Always getting kicked out by the nice bar lady and picking popcorn out of your hair as you leave.

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